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Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton
Published by Headline Book Publishing, 2003.

This is an account of the world according to Hilary, her view of her life as First Lady of the U.S.A. and wife to an incorrigible womanising President. She also covers her childhood and coming of age during the sixties. The sixties, as anyone who grew up then will remember, was a time of turbulent change with the Vietnam War protests and the growing Women’s Liberation Movement setting campuses in turmoil throughout the States. We can follow her progress from her years of student activism to her years as one of the most controversial First Ladies America has had.

Readers will be disappointed if they are expecting gory details of what ‘Hil said to Bill’ when she found he had lied and lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. It is dealt with, but without emotion and this would seem to be why people find Hilary cold and unfeeling – she doesn’t bleed in public. She humorously describes the pitfalls of balancing being a wife, mother and a very political First Lady in the face of prurient Press interest. She held Jacqueline Kennedy and Eleanor Roosevelt, two equally formidable ladies, as her role models in creating her own idea of being a First Lady.

This book covers Hilary’s role in the internal politics of the U.S. as well as her travels abroad and her meetings with the great and the good from all over the world and from all walks of life, but in a documentary fashion rather than as a personal recollection. Overall this is an interesting book, well written but perhaps a bit over-edited as one would expect from such a self-controlled intelligent lady.