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Book Reviews (Children's)

Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo

<< Children's Book Reviews

Midnight for Charlie Bone by Jenny Nimmo
Published by Egmont, 2002

Reviewed by Sixmilebridge Library’s Children’s Book Club

Midnight for Charlie Bone is the debut novel in the Children of the Red King series by Jenny Nimmo

Since his father died, Charlie Bone has lived with his mother and her mother in the house of his other grandmother Grandma Bone.

One day, following a mix up at the photo-printers, he finds himself looking at a photo of a couple with a baby and a cat when he suddenly finds he can hear their voices. This surprising event leads to Charlie discovering he is one of the so-called 'endowed', meaning he is one of a very select few who each possess a very unique gift.

Grandma Bone and her sisters soon insist that he be whisked off to the prestigious Bloor's Academy where is transpires he will find out more about the people in the photograph and a lot more about himself in the process!

This book is full of mystery, magic and intrigue and is recommended for all those who loved Harry Potter. The members of Sixmilebridge Library’s Junior Bookclub loved Midnight for Charlie Bone and except for one member who admitted it just wouldn't be 'his kind of book', the group voted it 8 out of 10.