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Terrible Tudors by Terry Deary
Published by Scholastic, 1993
ISBN 0590552902

Reviewed by Kilmihil Children’s Book Club

The Terrible Tudors is just one of the Horrible History Series of books by Terry Deary. It looks at how people lived in Tudor times – who ruled them and how it affected the people of the time. The book also describes what people ate, how they dressed and their fun and sports.
However, it is by no means an ordinary history book. It is a highly enjoyable read, very humorous and entertaining.

Most of the children in the Kilmhil Book Club enjoyed it. They thought it was funny and that the illustrations, puzzles and quizzes made the story even more enjoyable.
Favourite parts were the chapter on sports and games that the Tudors played, and the parts on the strange potions and cures that were used for various ailments.
Some children however found all the dates confusing and had to re-read some passages to keep track of the story.

Rating: 9 out of 10.