The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson
by Corgi Yearling
by Shannon Library Children’s Book Club
mum in The Illustrated Mum is called Marigold. She has two daughters,
Star and Dolphin. She often gets into funny moods and sometimes
she doesn’t act like an average Mum. Her daughters are always
trying to help her but it is hard for them.
thinks she’s a bad Mum and tries to change her. Dolphin admires
Marigold and wants to make her happy.
book is about a family struggling with everyday problems and learning
to get along with and accept one another. Jacqueline Wilson is a
great storyteller and she makes all her characters come alive for
the reader.
reading group enjoyed this book. They felt that it dealt with issues
that girls would be interested in but the book appealed to the boys
in the group also. They awarded it marks of eight out of ten.