of Diamonds by Anthony Horowitz
Published by Walker Books, 2004
by Kilkee Library Children’s Book Club
book is a compilation of three Diamond Brothers stories in one.
French Confection
Tim and Nick Diamond win a trip to Paris. They travel on the Channel
Tunnel. While on the journey they meet Madame Erica Nice, who owns
a bakery shop in Paris and a Texan called Jed Mathis. They also
meet a very frightened steward on the train who warns them to ‘Beware
of the Mad American’ and gives them a sachet of sugar.
haven’t left the station platform in Paris before murder and
mayhem starts to follow the brothers. The train steward ‘falls’
under a train. The brother’s hotel room is searched and two
men are threatening to kill them.
All the little clues and coincidences lead to a very exciting and
humorous ending.
Blurred Man
and Nick are approached by the rich entrepreneur Joe Carter. Joe
has come to London to meet his pen pal, Lenny Smile. However, when
he reaches England he finds to his dismay that Lenny is dead –
after being flattened by a steamroller in the middle of the night.
The Diamond brothers begin to investigate the mysterious Lenny Smile
– and begin to uncover a remarkable mystery.
know what you did last Wednesday
gets an invitation to a class reunion, from his classmate Rory McDougal.
Rory is a multi millionaire and the reunion is to take place on
his private island in Scotland.
Tim and Nick, and the other class mates Eric Draper, Janet Rhodes,
Mark Tyler, Sylvie Binns, Brenda Blake and Libby Goldman travel
to the island. However, when they reach Rory’s mansion there
is nobody there to meet them. Things go from bad to worse when they
find Rory’s body. There are eight of them marooned on the
island, with no phones and no way to escape from it. As one by one
the classmates are murdered, Nick and Tim must work fast to try
to find who the murderer is, before it’s their turn.
This is a very fast paced, exciting and funny novel. All members
of the book club enjoyed it and would read more of the Diamond Brother’s
8 out of 10.
Children's Book Reviews