World Book Day will take place on
Thursday March 14th 2002. This day has been designated
by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading.
To mark World Book Day, Clare County Library invites
young photographers aged ten to fourteen to enter a competition, the
theme of which is Get Caught Reading. First, second and third
prizes in the childrens and teenage category will be awarded
for the most original reading situation photographed.
We are asking children to come up with the most
unusual, inspiring, secretive place or situation in which they would
like to Get Caught Reading or to photograph somebody else in
a similar situation. Each photograph must have a suitable accompanying
Entrants must supply their name, address, school,
age and telephone number with each photograph.
All photographs will be displayed in the DeValera
Library, Ennis from March the 14th 2002 and winning entries
will appear on Clare County Librarys website.
Photographs to be sent to Patricia Fitzgerald, Clare
County Library H.Q., Mill Rd. Ennis to reach us on or before the 28th
February 2002.