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Children’s Summer Reading Challenge 2004

Every Summer, children from the age of seven upwards are invited to take part in Clare County Library’s Reading Challenge which runs during the months of July and August. Membership cards for the scheme are made available in all library branches from July 1st onwards and all National Schools in Clare are informed of the scheme.

Young readers can choose from a list of twenty authors and read one book by at least ten writers on the list. Completed cards must be returned to local branch libraries by the 31st of August. This year for the first time, participating children had the opportunity to enter a draw for book tokens sponsored by the Library and swimming pool vouchers sponsored by Ennis Leisure Complex.

Authors on the 2004 list included, Eoin Colfer, Darren Shan, Stephanie Dagg, Terry Deary, and Clare’s own Cora Harrison. Children also had the option of choosing titles from the Oxford Reading Tree Series.

Presentation of certificates of merit, signed by Noel Crowley, County Librarian took place on October the 7th.

One of Clare’s most famous senior hurlers, Jamesie O’Connor presented certificates to approximately one hundred and eighty children on the night. He also very patiently obliged his young fans by signing autographs and posing for photographs with the children and their families during a very enjoyable evening for everyone. Clare Champion photographer, John Kelly was also there to capture the excitement of Clare County Library’s young readers on camera.

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