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Children’s Summer Reading Scheme 2008

Clare County Library’s Annual Summer Reading Scheme for children kicks off on Tuesday, July 1st

Get Active – Get Reading is the advice being issued by your local library to all children in your area this summer.

Would you like to help your children:

  • become more enthusiastic about reading
  • maintain their reading level in the term ahead
  • return to school feeling confident about their reading and ready to learn more

Clare County Library will kick off the long holidays for thousands of children in the county by inviting them to join in this year’s Summer Reading Scheme, Team Read.

For the seventh successive year Library staff hope to build on the love of reading that has been fostered through schools during term time and to continue the promotion of books and libraries as an enjoyable and worthwhile activity throughout the summer.
Children’s Summer Reading Scheme Logo

In association with the Reading Agency in the UK, Clare County Library will supply promotional packs to each child who joins the scheme in their local library and undertakes to read a minimum of six books during July and August.

Team Read Logo

Children signing up to take part in Team Read will receive specially designed membership cards and various incentives along the way to encourage them to complete the scheme.

Children who complete the Summer Reading Scheme will receive a special certificate of merit celebrating their achievement at an awards evening in September.

The Summer Reading Scheme is an example of Parents, Teachers and Librarians Working together.

Parents can encourage their children to join the scheme, teachers can encourage children to visit their local library and join the Summer Reading Scheme before they leave school in June for summer holidays and Library staff will be on hand in all branches to advise on suitable material for all Team Readers.

The Summer Reading Challenge gives children great chance to have fun with books and to feel rewarded for reading. It is not about children reading as many books as they can, it’s about children enjoying what they read, finding out more about books and knowing how to find the books they’re interested in – and sharing reading time with you.

The good news is that the Summer Reading Challenge is keeping children in the race over the summer when it comes to reading, improving their reading range, confidence and enjoyment. The scheme has the potential to contribute to their confidence and reading achievement, with potentially life-changing results.

<< Children’s Summer Reading Scheme

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