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Children’s Summer Reading Scheme 2009

Clare County Library launches Quest Seekers, the 2009 Summer Reading Challenge

Great news for parents!

Libraries across County Clare are getting ready to welcome children into a fantastical adventure that will keep them reading throughout the school summer holidays....with the 2009 Summer Reading Challenge.

The Summer Reading Challenge is an immensely popular and successful reading initiative which reaches hundreds of primary school children all over the county every Summer. Originally created by The Reading Agency in the UK, the independent charity working to inspire more people to read more, it is now an annual event in Clare County Library’s programme for children.

Each year the Summer Reading Challenge to children is simple. They’re encouraged to read six or more books of their choice during the holidays with collectable incentives and rewards, plus a certificate or medal for every child who completes the Challenge.

Quset Seekers Logo

Children can sign up at their local library from July 1st 2009 and all materials are absolutely free.

The 2009 Summer Reading Challenge has a fantasy theme. Called Quest Seekers, it will take young readers into a mysterious and wondrous land where they can discover the joy of reading and nurture a life-long love affair with reading and books.

Quest Seekers Logo

The adventure starts in their local library, where young Quest Seekers are challenged to complete three stages to their quest. They will be issued with promotional materials including stickers, bookmarks, magic pens etc. as they read through the Summer.

An interactive Quest Seekers website will launch in mid June ( linking children with top authors and illustrators, and giving them space to talk about their favourite books and take part in on-line Quest Seeker games and activities.

Quest Seekers also promotes their local library as a place of wonder for children, where librarians can offer them invaluable advice and guidance to help them through their quest.

Clare County Library invites parents and teachers to help children become more enthusiastic about reading, maintain their reading level in the term ahead and return to school feeling confident and ready to learn more.

Through this fun exercise Library staff hope to build on the love of reading that has been fostered in co-operation with schools during term time and to continue the promotion of books and libraries as an enjoyable and worthwhile activity throughout the summer.

Promotional Materials for the Visually Impaired:
Summer Reading Challenge Quest Seekers Promotional Packs for children who are visually impaired are available through all branches of Clare County Library.

Packs contain super-sized fold-out posters with 18+ font size and large stickers. Visually impaired certificates are over-brailled and Braille handout sheets with instructions are included.

Clare County Library invites parents of visually impaired children to request these special packs at their local library. The supply of these materials is in keeping with Clare County Council’s promotion of positive actions to achieve equality of access to all services.

<< Children’s Summer Reading Scheme

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