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Children’s Summer Reading Scheme 2010

Children’s Summer Library Exploration!

 Certificate Presentation

All fifteen branches of Clare County Library launched an intergalactical adventure for children that kept them reading throughout the school summer holidays.

Space Hop, the 2010 Summer Reading Challenge, invited children to read a minimum of six books during the months of July and August with the aim of developing a love of libraries and books.

The Challenge is an immensely popular and successful reading initiative and is enjoyed by regular library members, children who join specifically for the Challenge and many families on holidays in the county each year. Linking up with The Reading Agency the independent charity working to inspire more people to read more in the UK, Clare libraries helped children complete the six book challenge by offering a reading pack to begin and an assortment of fun incentives along the way.

Space Hop Summer Reading Challenge Small Poster

The culmination of the Challenge was a presentation of certificates of merit to four hundred children in Clare’s five main library branches Ennistymon, Shannon, Ennis, Scariff and Kilrush in October coupled with a celebratory magic show to reward the young readers, presented by magician Paul Beattie.

Space Hop Summer Reading Challenge Long Poster

The Summer Reading Challenge serves to promote local libraries each year to children, where librarians can offer them invaluable advice and guidance to help them on their mission.

Research shows that children really enjoy taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge. It’s a great way to keep them entertained over the holidays, and statistics show that those who take part read more overall and choose a wider variety of books than those who don’t.

Magician Paul Beattie performing at the Space Hop certificate presentation in de Valera Public Library, Ennis
Space Hop Certificate Presentation at de Valera Public Library, Ennis
Magician Paul Beattie performing at the Space Hop certificate presentation in de Valera Public Library, Ennis
Space Hop Certificate Presentation
at de Valera Public Library, Ennis

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