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Library Book Review Competition for World Book Day 2003

World Book Day 2003 - Winning Book Reviews

A selection of books for all ages has been recommended by Booksellers as this year's World Book Day Super Reads. This list suggests suitable books for each class. Copies of these titles will be available for borrowing from our 15 library branches from the 6th of March until the 10th of April 2003.

The closing date for receipt of entry is the 17th April 2003. The winners will be announced on April 30th.

The competition is open to children of 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th classes.

Rules of entry
A minimum length of 400 words is required for reviews from 5th and 6th classes. For 3rd and 4th class, reviews should be between 150 and 200 words long.
Each review should include:

  • The title and author of the book
  • A brief description of the contents of the book, stating what type of book it is, i.e. adventure, horror, fantasy etc.
  • Favourite character or characters in the book, characters you didn't like, and reasons why you liked or disliked them.
  • A description of the part of the book you liked most and why it appealed to you.
  • The reasons why you liked the book and or reasons why you disliked it.
  • Any other information you might like to give about the book.
  • Each child can only submit one book review
  • Please attach the form below to your entry.

Send completed book reviews to Book Review Competition, Library H.Q. Mill Road, Ennis, Co. Clare.

Why not visit your local library as a class to select books to be reviewed? Check our website for opening hours of all branch libraries.

Winning entries will be published on our website.

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