Parish and Townland Search Search Window GIS help | Search Map | Library Home
How to find a particular parish and its townlands
Select the "Townlands / Towns" search list in the drop-down box.
Click on the "Show only entries of" option.
Open the drop-down box, and click on the parish you require.
The list box below will now only show townland names of the selected parish.
The parish townlands are also represented as green discs on the map.
From here on you can employ two strategies:
A. Select the townland name from the list in the list box.
B. Identify your townland as one of the green interactive map discs.
Strategy A. Select the townland name from the list in the list box
Select the townland name from the list in the list box.
Note that the green disc indicating that townland has now changed to orange.
Click on a link at the bottom of the screen under "Text search matches" to open either the map or web page for the townland.
For details on how to work with the Map Window see the Commands Overview.
Strategy B. Identify your townland as one of the green interactive map discs
Look at the green discs.
If you can't see the green discs click on the FIT button in the menu frame.
If necessary, zoom on the discs area as shown on the left. You access the zoom-in cursor via the [CTRL] key. (For more details on how to work with the map see the search map web page.)
Find the townland disc.
Hover the cursor over a disc to display the townland name.
Identify the correct disc and click on it.
The disc will change to red.
Click on a link at the bottom of the screen, now headlined "Selected map feature", to open either the map or web page for the townland.
For details on how to work with the Map Window see the Commands Overview.