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Donated Material: Emigration Records

Clare Past Forum Emigration List Project 1892-1924:

Emigrants from Kilfenora Parish through Ellis Island

Title: Emigrants from Kilmoon Parish through Ellis Island
Type of Material: Ellis Island/Port of New York Passenger Records
Dates: 1894 to 1924
Places: Kilfenora Parish
Source: Ellis Island Website
Transcriber/Donator: Mary Ryan

Surname Assumed Correct surname Forename(s) Age Date of Birth Marital Status Next of Kin Place of Birth Last Residence as shown in the Ellis Island Index Assumed correct Last Residence Name of Clare Parish Date of Arrival Arrival Month Arrival Year Name of Ship Port of Departure Final Destination Notes
                      Day Month Year        
Brody Brody John 23 1901 S Mrs Anne Brody (Mother) Kilfenora Doctor's Hill, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 22 Sept 1924 Adriatic Queenstown (brother) Michael Brody, 283 Canister Avenue, Hornell NY  
Butler Butler Thomas 25 1886 S Patrick Butler (father) Kilfenora Kiltoraght Kiltoraght, Kilfenora Kilfenora 28 Apr 1911 Teutonic Queenstown (friend) John O'Donoghue, 214, East 89th Street, NY  
Byrt Byrt John 31 1889 S   Kilfenora Ballykeel South, Kilfenora Ballykeel South, Kilfenora Kilfenora 13 July 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (sister) Jennie Byrt 120, Fairmont Street, Lowell, MA Passenger record crossed through - did not travel on this date but a month later
Byrt Byrt John 29 1891 S (father) William Byrt Kilfenora Ballykeel South, Kilfenora Ballykeel South, Kilfenora Kilfenora 15 Aug 1920 Caronia Queenstown (sister) Jennie Byrt 120, Fairmont Street, Lowell, MA Birth year on 1901 and 1911 census approx 1885
Carkill Corkill Mary 22 1885 S (father) Michael Carkill (Corkill) Clooneen Lemenagh, Kilnaboy Clooneen, Kilnaboy Kilnaboy 14 Sept 1907 Lucania Queenstown (Aunt) Mrs Kilkelly? 327, East 26th Street, NY Cross check on 1901 census for family
Casey Casey Ann 23 1901 S (father) Patrick Casey, Ballinacarra, Kilfinora, Co Clare   Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 24 Nov 1924 Cedric Queenstown (sister) Mrs Flaherty, St Paul, MN Probably Ballynacarhagh, Kiltoraght parish - family appear on 1901 &1911 census
Casey Casey James 22 1883 S not stated No record Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 20 Nov 1905 Caronia Queenstown (cousin) Thos. Griffin, 402, Ottisco Street, Syracuse, NY Possibly son of Michael Casey, Kilfenora (1901 Census)
Casey Casey Susie 18 1898 S (father) Michael Casey No record Doolass Hill, Kilfenora Doctor's Hill, Kilfenora Kilfenora 23 Oct 1916 New York Liverpool (sister) Mrs J Murray, 302, S Milton Street, Syracuse NY  
Clancy Clancy Anna Maria 16 1904 S (father) Austin Clancy Noughaval Lisheylisheen, Kilfenora Lissylisheen, Noughaval Rathborney 12 July 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (brother) Patrick Clancy, 81 K Street, Washington DC Cross checked on 1901 census for Lisseylisheen
Clancy Clancy Austin 28 1892 S (father) Austin Clancy Noughaval Lisheylisheen, Kilfenora Lissylisheen, Noughaval Rathborney 12 July 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (brother) Patrick Clancy, 81 K Street, Washington DC Cross checked on 1901 census for Lisseylisheen
Clancy Clancy John 18 1897 S (father) Austin Clancy Noughaval Kilfenora Lissylisheen, Noughaval Rathborney 18 June 1915 Arabic Liverpool (cousin) Patrick McNamara, Hudson, South Dakota Cross checked on 1901 census for Lisseylisheen
Clancy Clancy Patrick 21 1894 S (father) Austin Clancy Noughaval Kilfenora Lissylisheen, Noughaval Rathborney 18 June 1915 Arabic Liverpool (cousin) Patrick McNamara, Hudson, South Dakota Cross checked on 1901 census for Lisseylisheen
Clancy Clancy Thomas 21 1899 S (father) Austin Clancy Noughaval Lisheylisheen, Kilfenora Lissylisheen, Noughaval Rathborney 12 July 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (brother) Patrick Clancy, 81 K Street, Washington DC Cross checked on 1901 census for Lisseylisheen
Coaglan Coughlan Delia 19 1899 S not stated Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 19 May 1899 Cymric Queenstown (cousin) Mary Lawlor, New York  
Connell Connell Aimie 20 1874 S not stated Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 10 Oct 1894 Teutonic Queenstown Stamford  
Conole Conole William 20 1895 S (father) Michael Conole Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Town Kilfenora 7 Oct 1915 New York Liverpool (brother) John Conole, 145 N. Pine (?) Avenue, Austin, Chicago  
Considine Considine Agnes 22 1902 S (father) Mr J. Considine Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 16 Dec 1924 Doric Liverpool (brother) Mr T Considine, 7843, S. Sangamon Street, Chicago Occupation given as 'Nurse'
Coughlan Coughlan Lizzie 17 1883 S not stated Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 17 Sept 1900 Cymric Queenstown (sister) Westchester, NY  
Curran Curran Anastasia 14 1883 S not stated Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Town Kilfenora 31 Aug 1901 Campania Queenstown (aunt) Bridget O'Neill, 141, Sussex Street, Jersey City Listed on 1901 census - father was Richard Curran
Davoran Davoren Micheal 21 1888 S (father) Pat Davoren, Kilfenora Ballygownan, Kilfinora Ballygoonaun, Kilfenora Kilfenora 10 June 1909 Teutonic Queenstown (cousin) Pat Lydon (?) Kansas City  
Davoren Davoren Bridget 7 1898 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora (Commonage) Kilfenora 2 July 1905 Umbria Queenstown (aunt) Kate Linnane, 233 North St. Springfield, Ohio  
Davoren Davoren Mary 39 1866     unknown Kilfenora Kilfenora (Commonage) Kilfenora 2 July 1905 Umbria Queenstown (sister) Kate Linnane, 233 North St. Springfield, Ohio Presumed to be widow of Patrick Davoren (aged 76 in 1901 census) Ages of Bridget and young Mary seem to be wrong - Bridget is younger.
Davoren Davoren Mary 4 1901 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora (Commonage) Kilfenora 2 July 1905 Umbria Queenstown (aunt) Kate Linnane, 233 North St. Springfield, Ohio  
Davoren Davoren Micheal 14 1891 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora (Commonage) Kilfenora 2 July 1905 Umbria Queenstown (aunt) Kate Linnane, 233 North St. Springfield, Ohio  
Derik Derik Mary 18 1881 S   unknown Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 11 May 1899 Teutonic Queenstown unnamed brother in New Britain (Connecticut)  
Devitt Devitt Martin F 35 1878 S (father) Frank Devitt, Lickeen, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 10 May 1913 Baltic Queenstown (sister) Mrs Bridget Douglas, New Britain, CT  
Donohue Donohue John 22 1899 S (father) Thomas Donohue, Fanta, Kilfenora Fanta Glebe, Kilfenora Kilfenora Fanta Glebe, Kilfenora Kilfenora 4 July 1921 Cedric Queenstown (aunt) Mrs O'Toole, 29, Bank Street, West Somerville, MA  
Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick Patrick 24 1879 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 19 Nov 1903 Teutonic Queenstown (friend) John Maher, Maurice, Iowa  
Flanagan Flanagan Austin 21 1902 S (father) John Flanagan, Lisdooney, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 14 Oct 1923 Caronia Queenstown (brother) Thomas Flanagan, Somerville, Mass Family appear on 1901 & 1911 census in Lisdoony West
Flanagan Flanagan John 24 1890 S (Father) Peter Flanagan, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 12 March 1914 Oceanic Queenstown (brother) Michael Flanagan, Chicago, Ill. seems to match Family from Ballyculleeny, Kiltoraght (1901 census)
Flanagan Flanagan Michael 22 1884 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 May 1906 Baltic Queenstown   incorrect manifest displayed
Gildea Gildea John 24 1882 S   Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 3 Oct 1906 Oceanic Queenstown (sister) Nellie, Brooklyn NY  
Gildea Gildea Margaret 16 1890 S   Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 3 Oct 1906 Oceanic Queenstown (sister) Nellie, Brooklyn NY  
Gildea Gildea Michael 35 1873 S probably son of Patrick Gildea Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 27 May 1908 Oceanic Queenstown (sister) Nellie Gildea, 433, Clinton Street, Brooklyn NY  
Haran Haran Annie 24 1896 S (brother) Patrick Haran, Ardrish, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Clooney Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Clooney 4 March 1921 Cedric Queenstown (sister) Mary Haran, Roxbury, Mass seems to match Harhen family from Ardrush, Kiltoraght
Haren Haran Annie 35 1885 S (brother) John Haran, Ardrish, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Clooney Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Clooney 3 Dec 1920 Celtic Queenstown (brother) James Haran, Springfield Matches Harhen family (1901 census) - record crossed through - did not travel
Haren Haran Bridget 18 1902 S (brother) Patrick Haran, Ardrish, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Clooney Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Clooney 3 Dec 1920 Celtic Queenstown (brother) James Haran, Springfield Matches Harhen family (1901 census) - record crossed through - did not travel
Harran Harran Michael 23 1887 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 12 May 1910 Caronia Queenstown   incorrect manifest displayed
Hegarty Hegarty Susan 25 1898 S (brother) Anthony Hegarty, Tullagha, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 14 Oct 1923 Caronia Queenstown (sister) Annie Hegarty, Boston, Mass Family appear on 1901 census in Tullagh (upper), Kiltoraght parish
Hogarty Hegarty Susan 25 1898 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 2 Nov 1923 Berengaria Southampton (sister) Miss Annie Hogarty, 176, Bay State Road, Boston Mass  
Keane Keane Annie 20 1900 S (Father) Michael Keane, 'Baar' (?), Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 13 Dec 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (sister) Mrs Baker 81 River Street, Hornhill, NY  
Keane Keane Bridget 28 1878 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 14 Oct 1906 Etruria Queenstown (sister) Mrs Griffin, 402, Otisco St, Syracuse, NY  
Keane Keane Kate 26 1880 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 14 Oct 1906 Etruria Queenstown (sister) Mrs Griffin, 402, Otisco St, Syracuse, NY  
Keane Keane Mary 20 1900 S Father - Timothy Keane, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 12 Aug 1920 Celtic Liverpool Sisters of Divine Providence, San Antonio, Texas Postulant sister travelling with several other Clare women
Keane Keane Mary 20 1900 S Father - Timothy Keane, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 20 Aug 1920 Celtic Liverpool Sisters of Divine Providence, San Antonio, Texas Record crossed through - travelled earlier on 12 August
Kenny Kenny Maggie 22 1885 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 29 May 1907 Caronia Queenstown (sister) Minnie Kenny, 311, Garfield Place, Brooklyn NY  
Kenny Kenny Mary 22 1881 S     Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 16 May 1903 Etruria Queenstown (Aunt) Mrs Heally (?) 23, West 10th Street NY  
Lanihan Lenihan Kathleen 18 1903 S (Father) James Lenihan, Doctor's Hill, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 9 May 1921 Cedric Queenstown (uncle) Thos Quinn, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Frank 20 1901 S (father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 4 March 1921 Cedric Queenstown (aunt) Miss Susie Lawlor, Chicago, Ill.  
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Margaret 18 1903 S (father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 March 1921 Celtic Queenstown (brother) John Lawler, Chicago, Ill. Record crossed through - did not travel
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Margaret 19 1902 S (father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 27 May 1921 Celtic Queenstown (brother) John Lawler, Chicago, Ill.  
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Marie 27 1894 S (father), John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 March 1921 Celtic Queenstown (brother) John Lawler, Chicago, Ill. Occupation listed as nurse. Record crossed through - did not travel
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Marie 27 1894 S (father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare   Kilfenora 27 May 1921 Celtic Queenstown (brother) John Lawler, Chicago, Ill.  
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Susan 18 1903 S (father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 March 1921 Celtic Queenstown (brother) John Lawler, Chicago, Ill. Record crossed through - did not travel
Lawler Lalor/Lawlor Susan 18 1903 S (father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 27 May 1921 Celtic Queenstown (brother) John Lawler, Chicago, Ill.  
Lawler Lawlor ??? 18 1903 S (Father) John Lawler, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 April 1921 Celtic Queenstown visit to (brother) John Lawlor, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lawler Lawlor Margaret 18 1903 S (Father) John Lawler, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 April 1921 Celtic Queenstown visit to (brother) John Lawlor, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lawler Lawlor Mary 22 1899 S (Father) John Lawler, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 April 1921 Celtic Queenstown visit to (brother) John Lawlor, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lawlor Lawlor Austin 18 1905 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 1 Nov 1923 Celtic Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Austin 19 1905 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 29 Sept 1924 Cedric Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Bridget 17 1906 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 1 Nov 1923 Celtic Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Bridget 18 1906 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 29 Sept 1924 Cedric Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Joseph 19 1904 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 1 Nov 1923 Celtic Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Joseph 20 1904 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 29 Sept 1924 Cedric Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Kathleen 16 1907 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 1 Nov 1923 Celtic Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago  
Lawlor Lawlor Kathleen 15 1909 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 29 Sept 1924 Cedric Queenstown (brother) James Lawlor, 2906 West 38th St. Chicago America clearly good for the health - Kathleen has lost a year in age!
Lawlor Lawlor Margaret 18 1903 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 9 May 1921 Cedric Queenstown (brother) John Lawlor, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lawlor Lawlor Marie 27 1894 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 9 May 1921 Cedric Queenstown (brother) John Lawlor, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lawlor Lawlor Susan 18 1903 S (Father) John Lawlor, Doctor's Hill Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 9 May 1921 Cedric Queenstown (brother) John Lawlor, Chicago record crossed through - did not travel
Lenihan Lenihan John 24 1876 S   Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 10 May 1900 Oceanic Queenstown (brother) Martin Lenihan, Chicago, Ill probably son of John Lenihan of Doctor's Hill. 1866 survey lists his brother, Martin as aged 3
Lenihan Lenihan Kathleen 18 1903 S (Father) James Lenihan, Doctor's Hill, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 27 May 1921 Celtic Queenstown (uncle) Thos Quinn, South Carpenter Street, Chicago  
Lenihan Lenihan Kathleen 18 1903 S (father) James Lenihan, Doctor's Hill, Kilfinora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 April 1921 Celtic Queenstown (uncle) Thomas Quinn, Chicago, Ill. Name crossed through - did not travel
Leyden Leyden Margaret 18 1888 S   Kiltoraght Kilfenora Kiltoraght, Kilfenora Kiltoraght 25 Oct 1906 Majestie Queenstown (sister) Delia, 27 East 10th Street NY probably dau of John Leyden of Kilmore South, Kiltoraght
Loughlin Loughlin Minnie 26 1881 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 May 1907 Baltic Queenstown (cousin) Margaret Conlon (?) Orange, NJ original manifest very faded
Loughrey Loughrey Kathleen 19 1901 S     Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 20 Nov 1920 Carmania Queenstown   incorrect manifest displayed
Loughrey Loughrey Mary 18 1902 S     Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 20 Nov 1920 Carmania Queenstown   incorrect manifest displayed
Loyddy Lyddy Jane 24 1884 S (Mother) Honor Loyddy, Ballinacarra, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kiltoraght 25 April 1908 Arabic Queenstown (sister) Mrs Margaret Slavin, Lowell, Mass. Family appear in 1901 census as Lyddy, from Ballinacarhagh, Kiltoraght
Lynch Lynch Susan 23 1887 S (brother) Pat Lynch, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 23 Apr 1910 Campania Queenstown (cousin) PJ Corry,Hartford CN  
Lysaght Lysaght Kathleen 27 1894 S (mother) Mrs M Lysaght Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Town Kilfenora 26 Sept 1921 Cedric Queenstown (sister) Mrs AJ Murphy, Mattapan, Mass. also has brother (William) living in NY
Madigan Madigan John 21 1900 S (father) Patrick Madigan Ballyclonacahill (Ballycloncahill) Kilfenora Kilfenora Ballyclancahill, Kilfenora Kilfenora 21 May 1921 Cameronia Queenstown (sister) Miss Mary Madigan, Cambridge, Mass  
Madigan Madigan Mollie 22 1898 S (father) Pat Madigan, Kiltoraghty, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kiltoraght 7 May 1920 Celtic Liverpool (Uncle) John Madigan, Moston, Mass. Family appear on 1901 census in Ballyclancahill, Kiltoraght. Travelled with William Moroney, from Kiltoraght.
Maher Maher Martin 24 1881 S     Kilfenora   Kilfenora 2 April 1905 Celtic Queenstown (brother) Michael Maher, 25 Kirke Street, Lowell Mass. record crossed through - did not travel
Maloney Maloney Patrick 22 c.1898 S     Ennistymon Cloonomra, Kilfenora Kilfenora 17 May 1920 Baltic Liverpool   Family recorded in Cloonomra, Kilfenora in 1911 Census. Father John, mother Mary nee Cotter. Brother of Peter listed here.
Maloney Maloney Peter 21 c.1899 S     Ennistymon Cloonomra, Kilfenora Kilfenora 17 May 1920 Baltic Liverpool   Family recorded in Cloonomra, Kilfenora in 1911 Census. Father John, mother Mary nee Cotter. Brother of Patrick listed here.
Marrinai Marrinan Conor 23 1889 S (father) J. Marrinan, Ballyculleny (Ballyculleeny?) Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Ballyculleny,(Ballyculleeny?) Kilfenora Kiltoraght 26 June 1912 Caronia Queenstown (cousin) Patrick Organ, Brooklyn, NY  
Marrinan Marrinan James 31 1892 S (father) Thomas Marrinan, Ballyculling (Ballyculleeny), Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Ballyculling (Ballyculleeny?), Kilfenora Kiltoraght 5 Feb 1923 Cedric Queenstown    
Marrinan Marrinan Thomas 25 1896 S (brother) C. Marrinan, Ballykilliney, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kiltoraght 4 March 1921 Cedric Queenstown (brother) Mr C Marrinan, Brooklyn, NY Family appear in 1901 census in Ballyculleeny, Kiltoraght
McMahon McMahon Ellie 24 1881 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora   Kilfenora 27 May 1905 Campania Queenstown (brother) Michael McMahon, New York  
McMahon McMahon Jane 20 1882 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora   Kilfenora 20 Nov 1902 Majestic Queenstown New York record crossed through - did not travel
McMahon McMahon Michael 28 1881 S (brother) John McMahon, Kilmore, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kiltoraght 9 Oct 1909 Campania Queenstown (brother) James McMahon, Newhaven Conn.  
McMahon McMahon Nora 22 1901 S (Mother) Mrs Mary McMahon, Shiedrim, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 1 Aug 1923 Adriatic Queenstown (brother in law), Mr Austin O'Brien, Akron, Ohio  
Mee Mee Michael 41 1858 S     Kilfenora   Kilfenora 13 Sept 1899 Oceanic Queenstown Worcester, Mass US Citizen for 25 years
Meehan Meehan Mary 18 1902 S (Father) John Meehan, Kilfenora, Ennistymon Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 June 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (Aunt) Mrs Nolan, Somerville, Mass  
Moloney Moloney Thomas 20 1892 S   Kiltoraght? Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kiltoraght? 30 May 1912 Majestic Queenstown   Scanned manifest does not match passenger - age suggest he could be same T. Moloney from Kilmore North, Kiltoraght (1901 census)
Morgan Morgan Patrick 17 1890 S (Father) Pat Morgan, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 14 Sept 1907 Lucania Queenstown (sister) Mrs O'Breen, NY Matches Morgan family in Maryville, Kilfenora on 1901 census
Moroney Moroney William 23 1897 S (Father) Mr Moroney, Kiltoraght, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 7 May 1920 Celtic Liverpool (cousin) Austin Greene, Newhaven, Conn. Family appear in 1901 census in Kilmore North, Kiltoraght. Passenger travelled with Mollie Madigan from Kiltoraght
Murphy Murphy James 21 1893 S (brother) Denis Murphy, Ballyshanny House, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 7 Nov 1914 Lapland Queenstown (brother) Michael Murphy, Rockville NY  
Murphy Murphy Michael 22 1888 S (Father) Tim Murphy, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Ennis Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 22 Sept 1910 Lusitania Queenstown (brother) Arthur Murphy, New York occupation listed as Draper. Family listed on 1901 census in Ballyshanny, Kilfenora
Murphy Murphy Timothy 29 1885 S (brother) Denis Murphy, Ballyshanny House, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 7 Nov 1914 Lapland Queenstown (brother) Michael Murphy, Rockville NY Occupation given as music teacher
Neilon Neilon Mary 37 1884 S (brother) Patrick Neilon, Ballycashen, Kilfenora Kilnaboy Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilnaboy 11 June 1921 Carmania Queenstown (sister) Annie Neilon, Boston Occupation given as seamstress
Neylan Neylan John J 27 1896 S (mother) Mrs M Neylan, Emlagh, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 6 Mar 1923 Cedric Liverpool (cousin) Charles Culliny, New York  
Neylan Neylan Michael 25 1898 S (mother) Mrs M Neylan, Emlagh, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 6 Mar 1923 Cedric Liverpool (cousin) Charles Culliny, New York  
Neyton Neylon Maggie 20 1879 S     Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 12 Oct 1899 Oceanic Queenstown (brother) Patrick, Cambridge Mass.  
O'Brien O'Brien Bridget 23 1887 S (father) John O'Brien, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 28 Aug 1910 Baltic Queenstown (sister) Mary O'Brien, Lowell, Mass.  
O'Brien O'Brien Harry 27 1894 S (mother) Mary O'Brien, Lickeen, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 March 1921 Celtic Queenstown (uncle) Henry O'Brien, Cambridge, Mass Family appear in 1901 census in Lickeen East
O'Dea O'Dea John 22 1888 S (mother) Kate O'Dea, Kilfinora Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 8 June 1910 Oceanic Queenstown (brother) Patrick O'Dea, New York Possible match to O'Dea family in Kilfenora Town (1901 census)
O'Dea O'Dea Mary 21 1889 S (sister) Mrs Maria Dolan, Kilfenora) Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 13 Oct 1910 Adriatic Queenstown (brother) Patrick O'Dea, New York  
O'Dea O'Dea Philomena 19 1897 S (mother) Mrs O'Dea, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 29 Oct 1916 Philadelphia Liverpool (brother) Patrick O'Dea, New York Occupation given as Nurse
O'Leary O'Leary Michael 18 1905 S (Father) Daniel O'Leary, Lickeen, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 1 Aug 1923 Adriatic Queenstown (uncle) James Vaughan, Bronx, NY  
O'Neill O'Neill Martin 26 1895 S (Father) Henry O'Neill, Kilfenora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 8 Apr 1921 Carmania Queenstown (step-brother) Michael Gardiner, Andover, Mass. Family appears on 1901 census in Kilfenora Commonage
Purcell Purcell Delia 40 1872 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 Oct 1912 Celtic Queenstown (brother) Patrick Linnane, Hartford Conn record crossed through - did not travel
Purcell Purcell Delia 40 1875 W (brother) Thomas Linnane, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 11 July 1915 Baltic Liverpool (brother) Michael Lennon, Hartford Conn. Record crossed through - did not travel. Two surnames given for brothers - could be Lennon or Linnane
Quealy Quealy Martin 24 1886 S (father) Michael Quealy, Kilfenora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 May 1910 Carmania Queenstown (brother) James Quealy, Brooklyn, NY Name originally written as Queally, but crossed out and changed to Quealy
Quinn Quinn Ellen 50 1854 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 26 Nov 1904 Baltic Queenstown (son-in-law) J. Harney, Brooklyn NY (widowed) record crossed through - did not travel
Regan Regan Kate 18 1886 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 June 1904 Celtic Queenstown (brother in law) Albert Martel (?), Holyoke, Mass  
Reynolds Reynolds Bridget 9 1904 S (Father) Mr M Reynolds, Kilfenora, Ennis Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 19 Sept 1913 Cedric Queenstown (sister) Minnie Reynolds, Long Island NY  
Reynolds Reynolds John 17 1896 S (Father) Mr M Reynolds, Kilfenora, Ennis Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 19 Sept 1913 Cedric Queenstown (sister) Minnie Reynolds, Long Island NY  
Roche Roche John 53 1854 M   Ennistymon Kilfenora Kilfenora US Citizen 12 Apr 1907 Majestic Queenstown US Citizen returning to White Plains NY  
Roche Roche Norah 40 1867 M   Ennistymon Kilfenora Kilfenora US Citizen 12 Apr 1907 Majestic Queenstown US Citizen returning to White Plains NY  
Ronan Ronan Martin 20 1900 S (father) Thomas Ronan, Kilschuny, Kilfenora, Co. Clare Kilshanny Kilshauny Kilshanny Kilshanny 12 July 1920 Kaiserin Auguste Victoria Queenstown (sister) Mrs Wilson, Chicago Il. 1901 census - probably from Carowkeel, Kilshanny
Russell Russell Mary 17 1906 S (father) John Russell, Ardrish, Kilfenora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kiltoraght 16 Apr 1923 Celtic Liverpool (aunt) Mrs Davoren, Chicago Ill.  
Ryme Rynne John 22 1890 S   Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilmore, Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 13 Sept 1912 Adriatic Queenstown (brother) William Ryme, New York Family appear on 1901 census in Kilmore North
Rynne Rynne Norah 20 1900 S (brother) Joe Rynne, Kylmor, Kilfinora Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilmore, Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 3 Dec 1920 Celtic Queenstown (brother) Willie Rynne, NY Record crossed through - did not travel
Rynne Rynne Norah 20 1902 S (brother) Mr J Rynne, Kylemore, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kiltoraght Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilmore, Kiltoraght Kiltoraght 15 May 1922 Cedric Queenstown (brother) Michael Rynne, NY Matches Rynne family from Kilmore North (1901 census)
Sexton Sexton Catherine 17 1881 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 May 1898 Servia Queenstown (aunt) ?? Geraghty, New York  
Sexton Sexton James 31 1877 S (mother?) Norah Sexton, Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 10 Sept 1908 Majestic Queenstown (stepsister) Margaret Jordon, Stamford, Conn. Jordan family appear on 1901 census in Ballykeel South
Sexton Sexton Patrick 19 1879 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 5 May 1898 Servia Queenstown (aunt) ?? Geraghty, New York  
Shannon Shannon John 32 1889 S (Father) Mr T. Shannon, Morris Mills, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 4 March 1921 Cedric Queenstown (cousin) Miss Ellen Curran, Roxbury, Mass  
Sweeney Sweeney Mary 28 1869 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 31 Oct 1897 Campania Queenstown (sister) Annie Keane, Elmira NY  
Sweeney Sweeney Michael 22 1878 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 25 May 1900 Germanic Queenstown (brother) Patrick Sweeney, Elmira NY  
Sweeney Sweeney Patrick 27 1870 S   Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 31 Oct 1897 Campania Queenstown (sister) Annie Keane, Elmira NY  
Vaughan Vaughan Andrew 21 1894 S (father) John Vaughan, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 6 Nov 1915 Cymric Queenstown (sister) Mrs PJ Commane(?), Chicago Probably son of John Vaughan of Lickeen East (1901 census)
Vaughan Vaughan Mary 20 1891 S (father) John Vaughan, Lickeen, Kilfenora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfinora, Co. Clare Kilfenora Kilfenora 19 June 1911 Cedric Queenstown (Aunt) Kate Woods, Chicago, Ill. 1901 census - Lickeen East
Vaughn Vaughan Aggie 19 1902 S (father) John Vaughan, Lickeen, Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora Kilfenora 28 Feb 1921 Carmania Queenstown (sister) Mrs P.J Connors, Chicago Il.  
Ward Ward Patrick 26 1898 S (mother) Bridget Ward, Clogher, Kilfenora Clogher Kilfenora Kilfenora Kiltoraght 30 Dec 1924 Regina Queenstown (Cousin) Miss M Hickey, NY)  

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