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The Queen of Aran's Daughter by Maura Laverty

What the story is about:
A king and queen have a very ugly daughter and is ashamed when a prince comes looking for a bride. She finds out about a spell that will change her from ugly to beautiful and uses it to impress the prince.

I liked this book and found it very interesting. I liked the main characters, especially the princess because she was so generous and pleasant. She was never ashamed of herself because of her ugliness. I felt a little bit sorry for her as well.

The book has some historical significance because it is from the medieval times with kings queens and castles featured in it and so it would appeal to people with an interest in history. Reading this book is an enjoyable way of learning about that time in history.

I feel that illustrations of a drowning princess perhaps, or a castle, would have made the book more fairytale like and so it would appeal to younger children who are intrigued by the world of fantasy. While normally I like humourous books there was not any humour in this book. However this is a serious story and the author is right to treat it in a serious manner.

The story is set in Inis Mór in the Aran Islands, therefore, it would appeal to people from the West Coast of Ireland.

Reviewed by-
Joseph Scales,
5th Class,
Ennistymon C.B.S.

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